You vs. Warren Buffett
There is no doubt that Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors in modern times. His fortune and investing prowess seems no less vast when comparing his 2013 income to the average American’s salary of $51,000.
This is because all it takes is about two minutes for him to earn that average salary, working out to about $37 million a day.
At the end of the infographic, some of Mr. Buffett’s investment ideas for retail investors in 2015 are highlighted. He suggests, primarily, to keep it simple by an allocation of 10% in short-term government bonds, and 90% in a low cost S&P 500 index fund. He also believes investors should be fluent in reading financial statements, focused on saving, buying reasonably priced stocks, and humble.
While we disagree with Mr. Buffett’s sentiment on bitcoin, it’s fairly hard to criticize a man who made approximately $500,000 during the writing of this short article.
Original graphic from: Brighton School