What Matters Most to People in Each Country

What Matters Most to People in Each Country

What Matters Most to People in Each Country

If you surveyed 60,000 people in over 180 countries about what matters most to them, how different would people’s priorities be around the globe?

It turns out we have this information, and it is from the OECD Better Life Index. Even more interesting is that there are some geographic and demographic similarities in responses.

Generally speaking, people in developed countries, such as many of those located in North America and Europe, prioritize life satisfaction and health the most. Meanwhile, the majority of people in South America, with the exception of places such as Peru, Guyana, and Venezuela, all believe education matters more than anything else.

Other regions are quite diverse. Central America, Africa, Oceania, and Asia particularly have a variety of responses to this question. This is partially a factor of data, as many countries in places such as Africa had response rates that were not statistically significant.

There are some unique responses as well. Australia rates work-life balance as mattering most, even though most other developed countries rank life satisfaction and health as most important. Monaco was focused on safety, but this could be an anomaly as well as only 21 responses were received from the principality.

Original graphic from: Movehub

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