Vintage Viz: The World’s Rivers and Lakes, Organized Neatly

Vintage Viz: The World’s Rivers and Lakes, Organized Neatly

Rivers and lakes have borne witness to many of humanity’s greatest moments.

In the first century BCE, the Rubicon not only marked the border between the Roman provinces of Gaul and Italia, but also the threshold for civil war. From the shores of Lake Van in 1071, you could witness the Battle of Manzikert and the beginning of the end for the Byzantine Empire.

Rivers carry our trade, our dead, and even our prayers, so when London mapmaker James Reynolds partnered with engraver John Emslie to publish the Panoramic Plan of the Principal Rivers and Lakes in 1850, he could be sure of a warm reception.

The visualization, the latest in our Vintage Viz series, beautifully illustrates 42 principal rivers in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, along with 36 lakes across the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Each river has been unraveled and straightened onto an imaginary landscape-–no meandering here—and arranged by size. Major cities are marked by a deep orangy-red.

Top 3 Longest Principal Rivers (in 1850)

According to this visualization, the Mighty Mississippi is among the world’s longest, coming in at 3,650 miles, followed by the Amazon, the Nile, and the Yangtze river in China. The bottom three are the Tay in Scotland (125 miles), the Shannon in Ireland (200 miles), and the Potomac in the U.S. (275 miles).

Surveying methods have come a long way since 1850, and we now have satellites, GPS, and lasers, so we can update these rankings. According to the CIA World Factbook, the Nile (6,650 km / 4,132 miles), the Amazon (6,436 km / 3,998 miles), and the Yangtze (6,300 km / 3,915 miles) are the world’s top three longest rivers.

The table below shows the rivers in the graphic above compared with today’s measurements, as well as the general location of rivers using 1850 location names (including modern day locations in brackets).

River Territory Viz length (miles) Modern length (miles)
Mississippi United States 3,650 2,340
Amazon Brazil 3,350 3,998
Nile Egypt and Abyssinia (Ethiopia) 3,325 4,132
Yangtse China 3,300 3,915
Hoang-ho China 3,025 3,395
Obi Siberia 2,800 2,268
La Plata La Plata (Argentina/Uruguay) 2,450 3,030
Volga Russia 2,200 2,193
Burrampoota Tibet 2,200 1,800
Ganges Hindostan (India) 1,975 1,569
Euphrates A(siatic) Turkey 1,850 1,740
Danube Germany 1,800 1,770
Niger Nigeria 1,750 2,600
Indus Caubul etc (Afghanistan etc) 1,700 1,988
McKenzie Indian Territory (Canada) 1,600 1,080
Senegal Senegambia (Senegal) 1,450 1,020
Dnieper Russia 1,375 1,367
Oronoco Gran Colombia (Venezuela) 1,325 1,700
Gambia Senegambia (The Gambia) 1,300 740
Bravo del Norta (Rio Grande) Mexico 1,150 1,900
St. Lawrence Canada 1,125 1,900
Orange Namaqualand (Namibia/South Africa) 1,100 1,367
Dwina Russia 1,000 1,020
Don Russia 975 1,198
Rhine Germany 850 766
Elbe Germany 750 724
Vistula Poland 650 651
Oder Prussia (Germany) 625 529
Colorando La Plato (United States) 600 1,450
Tague Spain and Portugal 575 626
Susquehana United States 575 464
Rhone France 550 505
Seine France 475 485
Po North Italy 450 405
Hudson United States 425 315
Ebro Spain 400 565
Severn England 350 220
Delaware United States 325 301
Potomac United States 275 405
Thames England 275 215
Shannon Ireland 200 224
Tay Scotland 125 117

These figures are a unique look into a time period where humanity’s efforts to quantify the world were still very much a work in progress.

Editor’s note: Some of the rivers and lakes are spelled slightly differently in 1850 than they are today. For example, the map notes today’s Mackenzie River (Canada) as the McKenzie River, and the Yangtze River (China) as the Yangtse.

O Say, Can You Sea?

The largest ‘lake’ in this visualization is the Caspian Sea (118,000 sq. miles), followed by the Black Sea (113,000 sq. miles), and the greatest of the Great Lakes, Lake Superior (22,400 sq. miles). While the Caspian Sea is considered a saltwater lake and could reasonably have a place here, the Black Sea—possibly bearing that name because of the color black’s association with “north”—is not a lake by any stretch of the imagination.

And while many of the surface areas reported could also be updated with modern estimates, the story behind Lake Chad (called Ichad in the visualization), the Aral Sea, and the Dead Sea are altogether different. Human development, unsustainable water use, and climate change have led to dramatic drops in water levels.

The Dead Sea in particular had a surface area of 405 sq. miles (1,050 km2) in 1930, but has since dropped to 234 sq. miles (606.1 km2) in 2016.

Lake Territory Viz surface area (sq. miles) Modern surface area (sq. miles)
Caspian Sea Russia 118,000 143,000
Black Sea Turkey 113,000 168,500
Superior North America 22,400 31,700
Huron North America 15,800 23,007
Michigan North America 12,600 22,404
Great Slave North America 12,000 10,500
Aral Sea Tartary (Central Eurasia) 11,650 6,900
Ichad Africa 11,600 590
Azov Russia 8,800 14,500
Baikal Sea Siberia 8,000 12,248
Winnepeg North America 7,200 9,416
Maracaibo South America 6,000 5,130
Titicaca South America 5,400 3,030
Ladoga Russia 5,200 6,700
Balkash Mongolia 5,200 7,000
Erie North America 4,800 9,910
Ontario North America 4,450 7,340
Great Bear North America 4,000 12,028
Orega Russia 3,300 3,700
Athabasca North America 3,200 3,030
Nicaragua North America 2,905 3,149
Otehenantekane North America 2,500 2,500
Wener Sweden 2,100 2,181
Winnepagos North America 2,000 2,070
Zaizan Mongolia 1,600 700
Dembia Abyssinia (Ethiopia) 1,300 1,418
Tonting China 1,200 1,090
Wetter Sweden 945 738
Orebo Sweden 900 186
Ouroomia Persia 900 1,126
Enare Lapland (Finland) 870 1,040
Constance Scotland 456 209
Geneva Swtizerland 400 224
Dead Sea Syria 370 605
Lough Neagh Ireland 80 153
Loch Lomond Scotland 27 27

You Can’t Step in the Same River Twice

Over time, natural and anthropogenic forces cause rivers to change their course, and lakes to shift their banks. If Reynolds and Emslie were alive today to update this visualization, it would likely look quite different, as would one made 100 years from now. But so goes the river of time.

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