The Growth in Residential Solar Energy
The popular myth persists that the cost of green energy is simply not economic. While it is true that this may have been the case in the past, technology has changed things very quickly. Now, prices for solar and other alternatives are at the point where people and businesses are starting to vote with their dollars.
In 2013, the most used energy in new installations in the US was natural gas, coming in at a hefty 51.2% of new capacity. Right behind it? Solar power with 20.7% of new capacity. That’s a solid increase from around 7% in the year before.
Solar still has a way to go. As part of the overall energy mix in the US, it only makes up 0.64% of total operating capacity. That said – globally – the IEA predicts that falling costs may help make solar the largest power source by 2050.
Original graphic from: Clean Technica