Tech in Vancouver: A Timeline Infographic

Tech in Vancouver: History and Timeline Recently, we asked ourselves the question: is Vancouver really a global tech hub or is that just the local spin? In researching this, we… Read more

Cloud Computing Growth

The rate of data creation continues to soar exponentially: every day, 2.5 billion gigabytes of data is made around the world. All of this data needs to go somewhere, and… Read more

Investor Confidence in Cloud Storage is Sky High

Why many investors think the cloud is a level above other tech opportunities – and one big problem that could shake up the sector. Read more

Why Tech Investors Love the SaaS Model

Recurring, predictable revenue is one reason why elite tech investors love making investments in SaaS companies. See the others in this infographic. Read more

5 Ways to Build a $100 Million Company

Is your revenue model to get millions of ‘flies’, or just a few big ‘elephants’? This infographic looks at five different ways to hit $100 million in revenue. Read more

Charting the Massive Scale of the Digital Cloud

The size of the global datasphere is expected to hit 175 ZB by 2025, and this data is increasingly stored in the cloud. Read more