Canada has the Most Overvalued Housing Market in World [Chart]

The Economist and IMF both are warning Canada about a housing bubble, while the Bank of Canada tries to dispel all fears. Read more

Trading Places: Chinese Flee Stocks for Offshore Property [Chart]

With the Chinese stock market facing extreme volatility, could investors be putting their money into foreign property ownership in Canada and Australia? Read more

Survey Results: What Do Millennials Want in a Home?

As the tide shifts to a new generation, the real estate sector wants to know what millennials want in a home. Here’s what 1,000 young home buyers are thinking. Read more

Mapped: Every State’s Biggest Source of Tax Revenue

A vast majority raise the most through general and selective sales taxes. Here’s the single largest source of tax revenue for all 50 states. Read more

How Much Prime Real Estate Could You Buy for $1 Million?

Is $1 million enough to buy you a luxury home? As this infographic shows, the answer varies greatly from city to city. Read more