Unlocking the Power of Women in Investing

Women are better at saving money, but invest less of it – this infographic looks at the specific needs of women in investing and how to better serve them. Read more

The Geography of the World’s 50 Top Billionaires

Where do the world’s top billionaires live, and how has this distribution changed over time? We take a look at the top 50 billionaires . Read more

How Americans Make and Spend Their Money

These charts break down how Americans get their income, as well as where that money goes, based on different income groups. Read more

Visualizing the Ranking of 100 Common Careers

Not all jobs are created equal – see this list of 100 common careers ranked based on income, stress levels, growth potential, and other factors. Read more

How Americans Make and Spend Their Money, by Education Level

How do different types of education (high school, bachelor’s degree, etc.) correspond to level of income and household expenditures? Read more

Ranked: The Richest Countries in the World

These countries hold 74% of the world’s $204 trillion in private wealth. See the 10 richest countries, and how their totals have changed over time. Read more

Why Gold is Money: A Periodic Perspective

Gold has been used as money for millennia. People often attribute this to beauty, but there are basic physical properties for why gold is money. Read more

How Long it Took Billionaires to Earn Their First $1 Million

For the world’s wealthiest self-made billionaires, how long did it take to earn the very first $1 million of their vast fortunes? Read more

Where the World’s Banks Make the Most Money

Last year, the global banking industry cashed in an impressive $1.36 trillion in profits. Here’s where they made their money, and how it breaks down. Read more

The World’s Most Powerful Reserve Currencies

Here are the reserve currencies that the world’s central banks hold onto for a rainy day. Read more