The Demise of the Venezuelan Bolívar Continues [Chart]

Black market rates for US dollars in Venezuela have jumped over the last two weeks dramatically, as citizens pay up to 400 Venezuelan bolívars for one dollar. Read more

The World’s Most Famous Case of Hyperinflation

Hyperinflation has happened hundreds of times throughout history, but today we present the origins of the world’s most famous case in Germany after WW1. Read more

The World’s Most Famous Case of Hyperinflation (Pt. 2)

The continuation of our story on Germany’s bout with hyperinflation in the early 1920s. We look at the effects, as well as even worse stories of inflation. Read more

Currency and the Collapse of the Roman Empire

How currency debasement, soaring costs, and overtaxing helped lead to the collapse of Ancient Rome’s economy and empire. Read more

Visualizing the Most Miserable Countries in the World

This lengthy infographic counts down the 10 most miserable countries in the world based on key economic factors such as inflation, growth, and unemployment. Read more

The Troubling Trajectory of Hyperinflation in Venezuela

Does the chart for the Venezuelan bolivar look eerily familiar? Get a full perspective on Venezuelan hyperinflation with these two important visualizations. Read more

The Countries Suffering Most From Low Oil Prices

This interactive chart shows the breakeven prices that oil-rich countries need to pay for imports. We also dive into Venezuela’s specific crisis as well. Read more

The Rising Cost of College in the U.S.

Since 1980, the average cost of college has risen by 1200%. This chart compares the inflation in college tuition with overall inflation. Read more