Just two countries account for half of the top 20 cities with the most billionaires. And the majority of the other half are found in Asia. Read more
Here are the global startup ecosystem rankings, highlighting the scale and maturity of major tech hubs worldwide. Read more
Some Chinese provinces are so populous they rival entire countries. But how many of them have cities over a million people? Read more
1.4 billion people live in a country stretching across 3.7 million square miles. Yet 94% of China’s population lives in only one half. Read more
You’ve probably heard of Chinese cities like Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai – but those actually only scratch the surface of China’s economic picture. Read more
The cost of hosting the Olympics has varied massively in recent years. Read more
Where do the most billionaires live? For years, NYC has topped the list of billionaire cities, but 2020 marked a monumental shift. Read more
From someone born in the 19th century, in the midst of historic population growth, comes this vintage visualization showing world cities growing ever bigger. Read more