This animation shows big changes in the world’s most populous cities over the next 80+ years. Africa alone will hold 13 cities bigger than NYC by this time. Read more
Islam and Christianity are the major religions across the continent. But which countries do they each have a foothold in? Read more
After decades Asia’s population boom is slowing down. However, birth trends indicate there’s a new population hotspot. Read more
By 2100, the global population is projected to rise from 7.6 billion to 11.2 billion people. This animation shows how that growth will occur by region. Read more
The world’s population centers are shifting rapidly, and by 2100, it is projected that the world’s largest megacities will exceed 70 million people. Read more
With every country’s growth visualized on a logarithmic scale, we look at a few world population growth outliers and their unique stories. Read more
Forests cover 30% of the world’s land. These maps and charts shows where forests are flourishing, and where human activity is chipping away at the tree line. Read more
Look at global population in a whole new light, when countries on the world map are drawn based on population numbers instead of their usual borders. Read more
Private wealth in Africa is set to grow $800 billion in the next decade. Here are the continent’s 23 richest cities mapped, along with other key facts. Read more
This chart takes a look at the median age of every continent, while also breaking down the youngest and oldest countries in the world. Read more