Mapped: U.S. States by Cost Per Prisoner

Mapped: U.S. States by Cost Per Prisoner

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The U.S. has a prison population of over 1.2 million inmates.

In this map, we show the cost per prisoner across U.S. states, using data from USAFacts.

USAFacts sourced spending data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances (last updated in June 2023), and prison population data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (last updated November 2023).

Differences in Prison Spending Vary Widely Across States

More than $80 billion is spent annually on prisons in the United States.

A large part of this is used to pay over 4,000 vendors that serve the criminal legal system, including healthcare providers and food suppliers.

At the state level, most of the budget goes for day-to-day operations, including officer salaries.

In high-wage states such as California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, officers receive double the salaries compared to those in lower-wage states like Mississippi, Missouri, and Kentucky.

As a result, spending can vary from just under $23,000 per prisoner in Arkansas to $307,468 in Massachusetts.

State Expenditure per prisoner (USD)
Massachusetts 307K
Vermont 134K
New Jersey 133K
California 128K
Maine 117K
Rhode Island 117K
New York 116K
Maryland 114K
New Mexico 113K
Washington 108K
Connecticut 103K
Alaska 93K
Delaware 91K
Nebraska 88K
North Dakota 84K
West Virginia 82K
Minnesota 80K
Oregon 79K
Colorado 76K
Wyoming 75K
New Hampshire 74K
Utah 73K
Illinois 68K
Pennsylvania 67K
Michigan 65K
Wisconsin 64K
Montana 64K
North Carolina 63K
Hawaii 62K
Virginia 61K
Kansas 49K
South Dakota 49K
Ohio 44K
Idaho 42K
Iowa 42K
Florida 42K
Arizona 41K
Nevada 40K
Tennessee 39K
South Carolina 38K
Kentucky 36K
Indiana 33K
Alabama 33K
Missouri 32K
Oklahoma 32K
Texas 31K
Georgia 30K
Louisiana 25K
Mississippi 24K
Arkansas 23K

States With the Highest Incarceration Rates

Southern U.S. states have the highest imprisonment rates according to 2022 data, with Mississippi at 859 people per 100,000, Louisiana at 775, and Arkansas at 743.

Massachusetts has the lowest rate of any state, with 116 people per 100,000.

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