Mapped: The Top Trading Partner of Every U.S. State

The Top Trading Partner of Every U.S. State

The U.S. is highly dependent—perhaps unsurprisingly—on Canada and Mexico for trade. The country’s top trading partner is Mexico, making up 14.8% of total trade.

However, the country’s neighbors to the north and south are not the only trade partners that U.S. states rely heavily upon. This map from uses flags to show which country each U.S. state is importing the most from. Below, there is an additional graphic showing where each state is exporting the highest amount of goods and services to.

Who are the States Importing From?

The U.S. has a few natural and obvious trading partners, whether due to geographical closeness or strong economic ties.

The obvious candidates for top trading partners have already been mentioned, Canada and Mexico—and these two do show up at the state level as well. For example, Michigan gets 40.9% of its imports from Mexico, and Montana receives a whopping 87% of its imports from Canada.

Some other interesting trade partnerships stand out, like the Carolinas and Germany. Trade ties between Hawaii and Japan also make sense for historic reasons.

State Top Country Total State Import (Millions USD) Share of Total State Imports
Alabama  🇲🇽 Mexico $4,161 16.3%
Alaska 🇰🇷 South Korea $836 35.0%
Arizona 🇲🇽 Mexico $8,978 35.0%
Arkansas 🇨🇳 China $3,160 36.6%
California 🇨🇳 China $130,291 32.9%
Colorado 🇨🇦 Canada $2,928 24.3%
Connecticut 🇨🇦 Canada $4,031 22.4%
Delaware 🇨🇭 Switzerland $1,927 21.1%
District of Columbia 🇨🇦 Canada $74 13.7%
Florida 🇨🇳 China $11,212 14.7%
Georgia 🇨🇳 China $20,194 20.4%
Hawaii 🇯🇵 Japan $291 15.1%
Idaho 🇨🇦 Canada $1,195 21.7%
Illinois 🇨🇳 China $48,324 31.0%
Indiana 🇮🇪 Ireland $11,558 18.1%
Iowa 🇨🇦 Canada $2,387 26.6%
Kansas 🇨🇳 China $2,064 19.7%
Kentucky 🇲🇽 Mexico $6,882 12.5%
Louisiana 🇷🇺 Russia $2,611 12.6%
Maine 🇨🇦 Canada $3,167 66.6%
Maryland 🇩🇪 Germany $3,993 13.0%
Massachusetts 🇨🇦 Canada $7,779 22.2%
Michigan 🇲🇽 Mexico $47,473 40.9%
Minnesota 🇨🇳 China $7,577 26.9%
Mississippi 🇨🇳 China $3,938 24.9%
Missouri 🇨🇦 Canada $4,500 24.0%
Montana 🇨🇦 Canada $3,442 87.0%
Nebraska 🇨🇦 Canada $876 23.5%
Nevada 🇨🇳 China $4,108 31.8%
New Hampshire 🇨🇦 Canada $1,394 20.1%
New Jersey 🇨🇳 China $14,302 12.4%
New Mexico 🇨🇳 China $1,493 32.6%
New York 🇨🇭 Switzerland $33,126 21.5%
North Carolina 🇩🇪 Germany $9,208 15.1%
North Dakota 🇨🇦 Canada $1,781 62.3%
Ohio 🇨🇦 Canada $10,624 16.2%
Oklahoma 🇨🇦 Canada $4,355 40.2%
Oregon 🇨🇦 Canada $2,951 17.0%
Pennsylvania 🇨🇳 China $13,470 15.9%
Puerto Rico 🇮🇪 Ireland $9,062 42.7%
Rhode Island 🇩🇪 Germany $1,525 17.3%
South Carolina 🇩🇪 Germany $6,220 15.5%
South Dakota 🇨🇦 Canada $428 33.9%
Tennessee 🇨🇳 China $20,305 24.3%
Texas 🇲🇽 Mexico $88,726 35.8%
Utah 🇲🇽 Mexico $4,294 27.6%
Vermont 🇨🇦 Canada $1,677 63.5%
Virginia 🇨🇳 China $6,566 22.7%
Virgin Islands 🇵🇹 Portugal $174 27.7%
Washington 🇨🇦 Canada $12,772 26.1%
West Virginia 🇨🇦 Canada $1,025 35.2%
Wisconsin 🇨🇳 China $5,554 20.7%
Wyoming 🇨🇦 Canada $695 63.7%

However, one country in particular stands out on this map—China.

While the USMCA trade agreement has created an easy gateway for necessary goods and services to flow across North America, no country—not even the U.S.—can escape the need for mass imports from the world’s top exporter.

China and the U.S. have an imbalanced trade relationship, with China buying much fewer goods from the U.S. than the U.S. buys from them. In fact, China’s monthly trade surplus with the country sat at $31.8 billion as of May 2021.

Who are the States Exporting to?

After looking at the top import partners by state, let’s dive in to where the U.S. states are exporting the most.

us states trading partners

One thing that is noticeable is that China shows up much less on this map, further exemplifying the trade imbalance. In other words, while many states’ top import partner is China, they are not reciprocating as the country’s top export partner.

The only states that export their largest shares to China are:

  • Oregon – 38.1%
  • Alaska – 25.5%
  • Washington – 22.1%
  • Alabama – 18.1%
  • Louisiana – 18.1%

The majority are exporting to their North American neighbors. For example, North Dakota sends 84.6% of its exports just across the northern border.

State Top Country Total State Export (Millions USD) Share of total State Exports
Alabama  🇨🇳 China $3,102 18.1%
Alaska 🇨🇳 China $1,176 25.5%
Arizona 🇲🇽 Mexico $36 35.5%
Arkansas 🇨🇦 Canada $1,148 22.1%
California 🇲🇽 Mexico $24,078 15.4%
Colorado 🇨🇦 Canada $1,278 15.4%
Connecticut 🇩🇪 Germany $2,189 15.9%
Delaware 🇨🇦 Canada $619 15.8%
D.C. 🇶🇦 Qatar $899 32.4%
Florida 🇧🇷 Brazil $3,538 7.7%
Georgia 🇨🇦 Canada $5,146 13.3%
Hawaii 🇦🇺 Australia $51 15.8%
Idaho 🇨🇦 Canada $1,184 34.8%
Illinois 🇨🇦 Canada $13,261 24.8%
Indiana 🇨🇦 Canada $11,080 31.4%
Iowa 🇨🇦 Canada $3,460 27.4%
Kansas 🇲🇽 Mexico $2,078 20.0%
Kentucky 🇨🇦 Canada $6,550 26.5%
Louisiana 🇨🇳 China $10,779 18.1%
Maine 🇨🇦 Canada $1,229 52.8%
Maryland 🇨🇦 Canada $1,581 12.5%
Massachusetts 🇨🇦 Canada $2,746 11.0%
Michigan 🇨🇦 Canada $17,341 39.4%
Minnesota 🇨🇦 Canada $4,828 24.0%
Mississippi 🇨🇦 Canada $2,082 20.3%
Missouri 🇨🇦 Canada $4,453 34.9%
Montana 🇨🇦 Canada $544 37.9%
Nebraska 🇲🇽 Mexico $1,639 23.5%
Nevada 🇨🇭 Switzerland $2,256 21.8%
New Hampshire 🇩🇪 Germany $751 13.8%
New Jersey 🇨🇦 Canada $7,229 19.0%
New Mexico 🇲🇽 Mexico $2,197 59.5%
New York 🇨🇦 Canada $13,773 22.3%
North Carolina 🇨🇦 Canada $5,881 20.7%
North Dakota 🇨🇦 Canada $4,388 84.6%
Ohio 🇨🇦 Canada $17,273 38.4%
Oklahoma 🇨🇦 Canada $1,452 27.0%
Oregon 🇨🇳 China $9,522 38.1%
Pennsylvania 🇨🇦 Canada $9,699 25.9%
Puerto Rico 🇳🇱 Netherlands $2,889 17.2%
Rhode Island 🇨🇦 Canada $410 17.1%
South Carolina 🇩🇪 Germany $4,082 13.5%
South Dakota 🇨🇦 Canada $524 38.0%
Tennessee 🇨🇦 Canada $5,818 20.7%
Texas 🇲🇽 Mexico $89,046 31.9%
Utah 🇬🇧 United Kingdom $8,906 50.3%
Vermont 🇨🇦 Canada $918 38.3%
Virginia 🇨🇦 Canada $2,717 16.5%
Virgin Islands 🇳🇱 Netherlands $90 15.2%
Washington 🇨🇳 China $9,126 22.1%
West Virginia 🇨🇦 Canada $1,283 28.1%
Wisconsin 🇨🇦 Canada $6,226 30.4%
Wyoming 🇨🇦 Canada $225 19.3%

Trade Going Forward

The trade war that started during the tenure of former U.S. president Donald Trump is still ongoing and tariffs set by the U.S. are not expected to be lifted by president Joe Biden, as tensions have expanded beyond just trade issues.

These tariffs, however, have not helped to rectify the significant trade imbalance between the two countries. The states are still extremely reliant on imports from China, and it is not a reciprocal relationship.

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