Core Values of America’s Top 7 Tech Firms

Core Values of America's Top 7 Tech Firms by Market Cap

Core Values of America’s Top 7 Tech Firms

Every successful business is built on a vision.

While sometimes these values get muddied down with the bigger and more corporate a company gets, tech companies have a reputation of staying honed in like a laser on their principles. This is partly because tech companies can rise and appreciate in value faster than other businesses. With a shorter lifespan, there is less chance that these founding ideas can change or degrade over time to corporate entropy.

Another factor is that these companies have eccentric founders that can be near-obsessive about their mission. Look no further than the founders of the top seven companies in America on this list: Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, Amazon, and Facebook.

Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Larry Ellison get both loved and vilified for their unique ways of building companies. That said, their values generally are quite clear and often original in certain ways: Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information, while Apple aims to make top-notch technology that is simply designed and elegant. Amazon is the ultimate consumer price cutting advocate, and Facebook aims to connect the world.

Original graphic from: MidAmerica

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