A Timeline of Every Major Disruption in Payments

From the Chinese invention of paper money in 806 AD to the birth of Paypal, we count down every major disruption in payments in one giant timeline. Read more

The Latte Index: Using the Impartial Bean to Value Currencies

How good is a cup of joe at measuring the variance between different national currencies? We look at the Latte Index, developed by the WSJ, to find out. Read more

Visualizing the Rise of the ICO

What is an ICO, and how did this new financing mechanism gain so much traction? Today’s infographic covers the history and characteristics of ICOs. Read more

How Many U.S. Dollar Bills Are There in Circulation?

How many U.S. dollar bills exist, and how long does each type of note last? This infographic breaks down the world of physical U.S. currency. Read more

A Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrencies

The history, terms, and stats you need to understand crypto all in one place. Don’t miss this beginner’s guide to cryptocurrencies in infographic form. Read more

Mapped: The Countries With the Most Foreign Currency Reserves

China holds a whopping $3.2 trillion in foreign currency reserves, more all of North America, Europe, and South America combined. Read more

How Long Do Investors Plan to Hold Onto Bitcoin?

Breaking down the current sentiment for cryptocurrency, including future price expectations, reasons investors bought Bitcoin, and how long they’ll hold. Read more

How Every Asset Class, Currency, and Sector Performed in 2018

Investors saw a sea of red in 2018 – here’s a visual recap of how markets performed, including the big winners and losers from a volatile year. Read more

Why Gold is Money: A Periodic Perspective

Gold has been used as money for millennia. People often attribute this to beauty, but there are basic physical properties for why gold is money. Read more

The World’s Most Powerful Reserve Currencies

Here are the reserve currencies that the world’s central banks hold onto for a rainy day. Read more