A Sneak Preview Of Our New Book

By now, you’ve likely heard of the ambitious plans for our new book “Visualizing Change”.

We’re aiming to take hundreds of pages of our best infographics, charts, and visualizations, and connect them with one universal theme: what are the fundamental forces shaping the business and investing world?

To make the book a reality we are funding through Kickstarter – and with just a few days remaining to reach our goal, only you can help us make it there.

Example Book Spreads

As we get closer to the funding deadline, we’ve been working hard to imagine how the book could look. Click below to see two exclusive sneak previews of how the pages of this infographic book will be laid out:

“The War on Cash”
The first six pages of this infographic, mocked up as it could appear in book.
“The Tech Invasion”
How tech companies make their money, and are taking non-tech markets by storm.

The final product is guaranteed to capture your imagination with hundreds of pages of our best work to date, including 40+ pages of new, never-before-seen infographics!

One Potential Snag…

To date, we are still short of reaching our funding goal to make the book – and now there are less than 10 days left.

Want to help make sure it goes into production? Here’s how you can help:

  • Make any pledge on our Kickstarter page here to help us reach our funding goal
  • Share the campaign for the book on social media or with friends
  • Instead of ordering one copy, order a bulk-pack of 10 or 50 (branded with your logo) and give to clients or friends

It’s zero-risk to pledge on Kickstarter, and credit cards don’t get charged unless we reach our funding goal.

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